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What is Human Trafficking?

"Human trafficking involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to obtain some type of labor or commercial sex act."

- Homeland Security


Human trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery in which vulnerable individuals are preyed upon. These predators seek out those from low-income areas, taking advantage of desperate situations. Women, men, and children are all susceptible to being trafficked, as well as those with disabilities. In these trafficking situations, victims are treated as property and used for the gain of the perpetrators, resulting in severe trauma and/or injuries for those who survive.


three women's stories

I have a longing to be the person God intended me to be. I want to be involved in my family's life and help my kids grow up following a different path than the one I followed.

From the Diary of Rusti Bates, former victim who passed away while being trafficked.

No Boundaries International believes we can use tangible items to meet intangible needs. When we approach trafficking victims, we come with no-strings-attached gifts, items they need which provide an open door for conversations to flow and relationships to begin being formed.


So, if you would like to help, our immediate needs for outreach to those caught in the sex trafficking industry are for products to be packaged together as a “care package”. It’s a great project for your family, friends, or group to get together and have a product drive. The following items are our most common needs (holiday items are also needed):


  • New lip gloss

  • Small travel-sized perfume

  • Hand lotion

  • Hand warmers

  • Gloves

  • Ear warmers

  • Scarfs

  • Fresh flowers

  • Small seasonal chocolates

  • Bottled water

  • Pocket-sized hand sanitizers

  • $10 Gas Cards for our team members as they drive to reach out to trafficking victims.

  • $5 Gift Cards to gas stations or fast food restaurants to hand out to trafficked victims.

  • Contact us HERE or call us at 405-513-5453 to arrange dropoff

  • Or you can donate quickly and easily through our Amazon Wish List found here

What We Need

No Boundaries International

49 E. 15th

Edmond, Oklahoma 73013


Phone: 405-513-5453

Registered Nonprofit: 87-0777471


Loving others well

since 2006

© 2022 No Boundaries International

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